Protection Against Sin

In this week’s Midweek Musings we will be thinking about the work going on to produce a Covid-19 vaccine and what that can tell us about our struggle against sin.

We’ll think about two of the key things a vaccine is designed to do and what this says about dealing with the problem of sin.

Please watch the video and then think about the questions below:

Some questions to think about

  1. Where do you think work still needs to be done to make the church holy and blameless?
  2. What difference does having the new life of Jesus in you make?
  3. How difficult do we find it to “crucify the flesh with its passions and desires”?
  4. What ways have you found of keeping in step with the Spirit?

Please feel free to add comments to this post – or join us for a Zoom call to discuss it at 2pm on Thursday 23rd July

To join the Zoom call – either click this link or use Meeting ID: 387 507 619 and Password: Musing